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Monday, October 28, 2013

The Body Shop Lip Scrub

Hello lovelies.:)
We always take care of our skin, body and hair.
But what we really forgot to take care sometimes is our lips !
I was searching for lip scrub everywhere last weekend.
Went to most of the beauty shop and nothing suits me. 
Passed by The body shop and it was on sales. Many ppl were packing there.
I was too lazy to pack along. :/
but i was thinking, The body shop always have good reviews about their product.
WHY NOT ? :)

I actually had their body cream, perfume and lip balm given by my GM on my 21st. 
i can say, they are really good :)
so i thought about giving their lip scrub a try.
its having 20% the time i bought, extra 10% for showing my CIMB card .
 it looks like this. if u wanna get it, copy down the barcode :)

 i  love the design . it looks so professional.
previously i bought another lip srub from Etude House.
It smells really good. Peachy. :)
but its a tube type that we have to squeeze it. which is not what i like.
i find it troublesome to always have to rub it with my fingers and still no dead skin out.
This is like the lipstick type. Twist and apply !
I love how it has a peppermint smell that leave my lips so cooling. 
i actually capture the before and after but was too shy to post a pic of my lips :x
it didnt peel off my dead skin at the first time i used it. Maybe because the bead are deeper in. 
I tried it the second time today. Scrub them and wipe them off with tissues instead of washing it off.
And jajjannnggg !! i felt my lips are redder , i can see how the dead skin were removed a little and how moisture my lips felt now.
it felt really soft!
Thinking to repurchase if its finish.
But do you all have any better lip scrub to intro ? Do let me know :)

 Btw, boyfie bought me to Publika the other day and i spot The Sops.
A korea beauty shop.
i rmb how my cousin bro's ex used to buy for him last time and damnnn, good reviews from them.
but i never buy their skin care due to the price /.\
i spot something really cute and i couldnt resist !
look at these little masks ! only RM3 per packet !
wanna know the reviews ? I tried it myself :)
Let me tell you
On the next post ! :) Stay tuned for more , okay ? :D

Friday, October 25, 2013


Hey hey ! :)
I bet all of you the benefits of eating vegetables . 
every adults will say '' eat more vegetables'' when u have your meal. 
i used to hate vegetables alot !
well, i bet most kids are :x
i hate them after i got choked after eating vege and my mom have to put the whole finger in and pull back the vegetable off my throat -.-
yes, im that stupid, i dont know how to swallow vege when i was young. hahhahah. 

so what my mom always do to make sure i have vege contain in my body so i could grow up better ?
by the way, my puberty strikes a lil too early and i grew alot alot alot of pimples on my face since primary.
shock of my life. i dont know what is a pimple. my mom was so worried i will just scratch them and leave scars. 
i dont know how to swallow vegetables, so my mom would just blend it into drinks so i could swallow easier. 

my skin was getting horrible nowadays . my pimples are back, AGAIN -.-
after so many years, its back like what i almost had when i was primary.
i decided to use my mom's useful method this time.
blend the tomatoes and celery and DRINK THE VEGETABLES !

i guess most of u know the benefits of tomatoes and celery till i dont have to elaborates all the benefit !
its too much i think i could blog till night. hahhaha
this is the amount of tomatoes and celery i bought. 
firstly u wash them clean. or else u lao sai after drinking, dont sue me for intro the wrong drink. kekekek,

 then u cut them into pieces, the smaller the better. so it wont get stuck when u blend !
ahhhh. dont you just love the colors  ? :D
i prefer to blend it all together at once because i dont like to put vege in the fridge for too long. 
it takes away the freshness of the vege of course!
 best taste after chilling. i know some of you dont like the taste.
but hey, we can sacrifice our taste buds for a better skin right ? :D
i felt lucky cause my mom made me drink this when i was really young. so i kinda got used to the taste. 
even when i was at pub with my friends or brother. i would order tomato juice  instead of beers cause i cant drink -.- 
but their's arent as natural as we made ourselves at home right ?
do you want your skin to be better ? 
do u wanna cure those ugly pimples ?
do you want hydrate skin ?
do you want smooth skin ?
try this. for a healthy skin and body :D
drinking a cup a day will be good enough.
drink this every morning as your first meal to fill your tummy.
it will be healthier than drinking coffee or tea isnt it ? :)


Blame ? What blame ?
Today, I will talk about blames. 
Have you ever wonder in your life, that you've been blamed for something you didnt do ?
You've did , of course .
Have you blame someone when he/she did nth ?
Well, i did too. 
I always blame my brother for my wrongdoings when i was young. 
well, i failed of course. being the youngest one should bear all the blame. 

When i grew older, I nvr blame anyone for my wrongdoings . I admit them. 
yes, hopefully i nvr offend anyone or if i did blame u as well, im sorry. 
I admit when things goes wrong.
But i used to fight back for my rights. 
I dont like getting blame for what i nvr did wrong. I HATE IT. 
I've been in the working industry for 3 years now?
blame here or there, been there done that. 
Especially when you're working, there's always someone who wants u to take the blame cause they wanna look like they are the better one.

For the first year when i work, i always fight back when i got blame. well, most of the times. 
me and my colleagues often share them out when things goes wrong.
and when i get the blame, i voice out.
i was proud of myself.
i can say i dont dare to voice out or some kind of anti social. but being able to fight back its a big thing for me :)

On the 2nd year, i've been in the beauty line and banking line. 
for beauty line, we nvr blame, it was a no prob job. 
everyone co-operate and we worked like a family.
the environment is definetly good for soft ppl like me. LOL. 
while bank ? you should know how competitive everyone is with each other. 
some are friendly, some arent.
the reason i left bank, besides the long hours, i've been blame too many times.
example ? i was suffering from food poisoning. i still go to work but spend most of my time vomitting and shitting. i had fever. i slept in the pantry for one hour during lunch , cant manage to fill my stomach. 
i went to the doctor after work and visit him the 2nd time the next day. 
on the 2nd day, doctor gave me an injection and told me my condition was too serious and if i dont take a day off, i should be hospitalized. 
of course i dont wanna be hospitalized and listen to what he said.
the next week i get back to work, i got call into a room and got blame for fake sick.
they told me i dont like being in the bank , thats why i dont like to come to work and act sick.
i told them abt my conditions. and what i got back was '' your brain told your heart not to come work and ponteng. ''
i held back. 
another time was i got blame when someone else lost the cheque. she took the cheque with her signature and she told the bosses i took them. and bosses of course said she acknowledge with her signature.
later we found the check inside my file. and how i saw her smirking away. and everyone told me i hide the cheque inside my file.
i held back as well. 
there are few mores happening in the bank of course, this is why i nvr go back to the bank anymore.
i gave up on fighting for myself. when i did wrong, i admit, i got scolded, i accepted.
when i did nth wrong, i got blame , i got scolded, i kept quiet. 

well, now im working as a supply chain assistant :)
we supply medicines. all type of them. 
and i manage to talk to client and all.
my bosses treated me very very well. 
and of course, i get blame as well. 
i did get blame for what other did wrong. 
i got scolded for one whole hour . and when my bosses found out, my bosses defended me of course.
they scolded whoever who scold me and told me i must be fierce as well. 
but slowly i realize, whenever i got blame, i tend to keep quiet. i dont wanna fight back anymore.
they say fighting back will spoil the relationship. of course it will.
im afraid when there's a chain which i need their help urgently, no one will take me seriously.
thats why i remained silent. 
my bosses dont agree and told me i must fight back and be fierce so they will be afraid of me. 

so, what will you do ? 
will you fight back for your own rights ? or remain silent just like what im doing now ?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Kitchen Girl

Hello there :)
let me be your kitchen girl for today ? shall we ? :x
I've never really step into the kitchen eversince I've graduate from my chef college. 
but these few weeks, what i made surprise myself too.

firstly, tadahhhh ! does the chocolate made you hungry already ?
this is what i bought from langkawi.
total bill cost me 500 plus -.-
and i end up getting pimples. ughhhh!
lets move on btw. :) 

 Firstly, i dont make chinese food. 
im fancy of korean food. 
and this is why i made korean food as my first meal .
me and boyfie went to hartamas korean town to get the ingredients. 
well, i nvr expect to blog abt it, so i never took any pics except the end results. hehe. 
i bought a bottle of tubbokki sauce, fish cakes, korean sausages , cabbage and of course tubbokki !
i cook according to my instinct and some reviews i read in the internet :x
i also made kimchi fried rice. 
u fried rice but with kimchi :x
while tubbokki ?
boil tubbokki for 10 min -heat sauce and mix a little water (depend on your tastebud)
-mix in vege+sausages+fishcakes-mix tubbokki-pan fried.
and there! you're done with your own homemade tubbokki!
you can add in cheese as well if you want. 
i did for my first try. :) 
the results was surprising. HAHAHHAH. i thought i'll fail them :x

 my parents is not fancy of korean food , AT ALL. 
my bro too. they were making noises that i made korean food too often.
i took half day leave to get my passport done last monday.
but... failed. the numbers are all given out -.-
i went to the supermarket nearby and grab some ingredients to make italian for that night !
instead of normal tomato sauce, i tried making carbonara :x
it success !!
its my first time making italian as well.
too bad, i cant make chinese food. no idea why -.-
might be trauma due to allison gold's song. hahahhaha.
maybe i should try making japanese food next time ?
ok la. joking only. any ideas ? :D